Below are items that have been requested by our faculty for their classrooms. Please consider prayerfully donating these items to our classrooms.
Thank you!
Preschool Full DayStabilization Chairs for Core Strengthening
Disability Awareness Books Preschool Skill Builder Game Paint Dotters KindergartenABC Bootcamp Curriculum
Vow Bootcamp Curriculum Vowel Team Bootcamp Curriculum Word Family Bootcamp Curriculum Items for Dramatic Play Legos Building Sets Gift Cards - Target, Amazon, etc. 2nd & 3rd GradeGift Cards - Target, Amazon, etc.
6th - 8th GradeGift Cards - Target, Amazon, etc.
Physical EducationMonetary donations
Preschool Half DayExtra Clothes (shirts, pants, socks, underwear, shoes) to have on hand for accidents (3T - 5T)
Classroom Carpet 1st GradeGift Cards - Target, Amazon, etc.
4th & 5th GradeIpad Cases
Wooden Cubbies Subscription to Super Book Full Amulet Series Dry Erase Markers Target & Amazon gift cards MusicMonetary donations