
Family Groups
Family groups are a special part of King of Kings. Students in preschool – 8th grade enjoy meeting with their family group for prayer on Tuesdays, chapel on Wednesdays and family group lunches and activities once a month.

CA Day
On the first Friday in October we wear green to school to show support for our neighbors across the street. Later that evening all KOK families are invited to join the rest of the Beacons for their fun homecoming events. Come and learn why more than 80% of King of Kings’ graduates attend Concordia Academy after high school.

Service Projects
Serving the Lord through service to our community helps foster strong character development. Royal Service Day is held each November as students in preschool – 8th grade participate in various projects. Our students also serve King of Kings and the greater community throughout the year:
• Feed My Starving Children
• Assembling care kits for the homeless
• Creating crosses for nursing home residents

See You at the Pole
See You at the Pole is an event where students gather at the school’s flagpole to pray together, fostering community and spiritual connection. Parents and family members are also invited to participate, gathering near the flagpole to pray and connect with others in the school community. This event highlights the importance of prayer and support within the school, as both students and adults come together to pray for the school and its community.

Field Trips
Students in preschool – 8th grade have the opportunity to take a variety of enriching field trips. Past trips have included:
- Waldoch Farm
- Pinehaven Farm
- Minnesota Zoo
- MN Children’s Museum
- MN Landscape Arboretum
- Mill City Museum
- MN History Museum
- Snake River Fur Post
- Minnesota State Capitol
- Track and Field Days
Students in Grades 4-8 are involved in outdoor education programs including visits to the Harriet Alexander Nature Center, Camp Victory, Camp Omega, Camp Widjiwagan and Camp Luther.

National Lutheran Schools Week
NLSW provides more than 1,800 preschools, elementary schools and high schools with the public opportunity to proclaim and celebrate God’s work among us in schools of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. We thank God for the opportunity to provide excellent academic preparation for the children we serve. At King of Kings we have the unique opportunity to host over 200 students from area schools to kick off National Lutheran Schools Week in January.